Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Size of an Avacado?!?!

I am 16 weeks today and I feel better than yesterday. I think I had a bout with a stomach bug that woke me up in the wee hours of the morning with projectile vomiting and other ailments. I feel really sorry for my dear husband. While I was having my bathroom party, our cat, Scout, that Matt has been cat-sitting for 4 years was having his own dinosaur calling party in the floor of our bedroom for the third night in a row. The poor cat is older and has been to the vet now twice for his lack of keeping food down and they still can't figure out what is wrong with him. On top of all of that, there was a loud boom that came from the living room upstairs and since we have a mischievous kitten and we just put our Christmas tree up, I just knew that Cinco had knocked down the tree, luckily it was just the water bottle that we use to spray her with when she is bad, which is all the time!

Back to the 16 weeks thing, my baby is about the size of an avocado (mmmmm avocado) and is growing fast, but not fast enough for my pace. I wish it could be here already. I want to meet him or her. I have an ultrasound this afternoon and we could very well find out the sex of the baby. Matt and I are completely undecided as to whether we want to know or not. I say we flip a coin and keep flipping until we get the right answer ;), but he says we should let the doctor do her thing and if she tells us, then we know. Or if she asks if we want to know, we say no. I like the coin flipping option myself!

I am not positive but I think I have felt the baby move. They say it feels like gas bubbles or fluttering butterflies, but if any of you know me, I can be pretty gassy without being pregnant! It seems to happen when I am laying in bed waiting to fall asleep and its very, very quiet!

I have noticed that I can no longer sleep through anything. (Thanks mom and dad!) I am the girl that slept through a fire alarm in a hotel once. Thank God it was a false alarm or I would have burned to death! I am now awakened about 4 or more times a night at my dog's random barking or him shaking his head and his collar clinging together, completely annoying!

Anyways, I will hopefully be posting ultrasound pics tomorrow.

Lots of love and kisses!

Holly, Matt and "Smithers"

1 comment:

gingergirl53 said...

an avocado?! i love this baby already!!! :) -e